Friday, May 30, 2014


Where can we find hope in the midst of pain, suffering and violence? This is a question I have been asking myself these past two weeks after the events here in Jos. For anyone who wasn't aware, on May 20 there were two bomb blasts in Jos and over 118 people were killed that day. Another bomb also went off the following Saturday in Jos.
Where is hope in the midst of this suffering? I find hope in knowing that Christians and Muslims are working together to teach and promote peace. I find hope that neighbours are helping one another during this time. And I find hope in God because I cannot go where God is not.

Please check out MCC's news release about the happenings in Jos:

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Baby #20

This was the 20th baby I have delivered in the nine months since I have been in Nigeria at Faith Alive. There is always much joy when it is a safe delivery because there is a high mother mortality rate here. Approximately 800 deaths/100,000 live births.( UNICEF). This is a staggering number so there is much joy when the delivery is safe!

It was a baby girl!