Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Questions that I have been asked....

I have been in Nigeria for about eight months now. I have been asked many different questions during this time. Here are some of them:
-"Are you married?" This is the number one question I get here. Depending on where I am I will answer differently. In the taxi I will say yes I am married....hopefully then they won't ask me to go on a date with them or for them to ask me I'm not married and then start listing why I should marry them

-I get asked for my phone number a lot by many different people. If I don't know the people I tell them to come to Faith Alive to talk to me.

-"Are you from Kenya?" Yes, a guy asked me this. "No" I said. ( In my head I was thinking "Do I look like I'm from Kenya?")

-"Is that your real hair?" asked as I was walking down the street.

-"Are you from the United States?" "Nope, I'm from Canada," I reply. Then the question is, "Canada is in Europe right?" Or " Canada is by California right?" "No!!" And then I try to explain where Canada is in the world.

-" You Canadians love to eat chicken right?" This question was in response to having told someone I was from Canada and this was their impression of Canada. :)

-"What has brought you to Nigeria?" many people ask. This question is really great because then i can share with them the work that Faith Alive is doing and the work that Mennonite Central Committee is doing in Nigeria.


The wedding of CID and Naomi. CID is a staff member of MCC and has become like a brother here to us.

Me, Tessa, Gina
Lots of dancing throughout the day.

The happy couple and the wedding cake.